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Mission Statement 

“The calling of the Methodist Church is to respond to the gospel of God’s love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission” In this, and in partnership with others wherever possible, Rossendale Methodist Church/circuit will concentrate its prayers, resources, imagination, and commitments on this priority: “To know God and to make God known to others”. As ways towards realising this priority, the circuit will give attention to the following:

  • Underpinning everything we do with God-centred worship and prayer.

  • Supporting community development and action for justice, especially among the most deprived
    and poor – in Britain and worldwide.

  • Developing confidence in evangelism and in the capacity to speak of God and faith in ways that
    make sense to all involved.

  • Encouraging fresh ways of understanding church.

  • Nurturing a culture in the church which is people-centred, caring and flexible.

Mission Strategy


The church exists to increase awareness of God’s presence and to celebrate God’s love.

We will:

  • Support the training and development of our ordained and lay people including Local Preachers
    Worship Leaders, and others.

  • Offer to the communities around us safe places for worship and acceptance.

  • Facilitate the worship of God in places other than our buildings (e.g. residential homes, new areas
    of housing), and at special times such as Christmas and Easter.

  • Help people grow a greater awareness of God’s awesome presence, and to experience his love, at
    all stages of life.

  • Encourage and make available varied worship opportunities appropriate for people of all ages,
    during the week as well as on Sundays.

  • Encourage and support the use of technology in our churches.


The church exists to be a good neighbour to all people in need, showing compassion and empathy, and to challenge injustice. We will:

  • Find ways to witness to our faith through fulfilling needs in our communities and to do what we can 
    to support those in need in the wider world.

  • Where possible provide safe, welcoming, warm, well-maintained, disability- and child-friendly,
    inclusive premises to give space and opportunity for church and community activities.

  • Give generously, but with due thought and prayer, of time and money for God’s work in the church and in the world.

  • Work for justice and peace and care for the environment in the local area, the nation, and the wider world.


The church exists to make more followers of Jesus Christ.

We will:

  • Guard against being apologetic about our faith.

  • Provide more opportunities to explore the Bible and Christian faith, and the confidence to share it with others.

  • Engage in mission activities both inside and outside our buildings and witness to those we meet outside the church in daily life.

  • Use opportunities in community groups and at occasions such as baptisms, weddings, funerals and Christmas and Easter to share our faith.

  • Work ecumenically to explore openings for evangelism in community.

  • Encourage people to be able to pray with and for those who are working for peace and hope.

Rossendale Methodist Church Logo


Location Point
Sunday 10:00am

York Street, Crawshawbooth, Rossendale,


Location Point

Irwell Vale*

Sunday 10:30am

Bowker Street,

Irwell Vale, Ramsbottom, 

BL0 0QQ.

Location Point


Sunday 10:30am
Tuesday 10:00am

Bacup Road,




Location Point
Sunday 10:30am

365 Newchurch Rd, Stacksteads,


OL13 0LD

Location Point


Sunday 10:30am

32 Burnley Rd,



OL13 8AB


Connect with us:

  • Email
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Youtube

Rossendale Methodist Circuit is a UK registered charity number:  1139489

© 2024 Rossendale Methodist Circuit

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