The Plan
Plan of preachers and special service dates for all 7 churches March/April/May 2020
Download Word Document.

Who's Who
David Burrow is the Minister for our entire circuit and guides the Church in 6 locations with the help of his team of workers and volunteers. You'll see him deliver many a service, particularly special sermons like 'Palm Sunday'.
Revd. David Burrow
Superintendent Minister

Paul Webster is the lay pastor with a strong desire to pastor to a wide range of people across our 6 churches and discant different communities Paul supports the members of each church in building a pastoral culture and identifies ways in which to develop and strengthen our churches. Paul has over 30 years experience of providing pastoral care working with a wide range of people from the community, this year he has taken a specific role in identifying ways in which we can better support children, youth, families.
Paul Webster
Pastoral Officer

Jill Webster has oversight of Safeguarding and GDPR for all 6 churches ensuring compliance with all policies and procedures, Jill leads on Safeguarding meetings and linking with professionals.
With specific responsibility in ensuring members have access to training
and development opportunities and sharing good practice.
Jill Webster
Safeguarding Officer
Alex Hyde has overall responsibility to maintain and develop the church and circuit website, upload our services so there accessible on line and to maintain a presence of the Church across our social media platforms.
Alex’s role is to support the Church in 6 locations to
communicate better with our communities.
Alex Hyde
Communication & Media Officer
Our Circuit Stewards
Circuit Stewards play an important role in representing their churches and working in partnership with ministers, congregations, church workers and other circuit stewards to help the churches grow and progress. These are the Circuit Stewards for our circuit...​​
Mark Butterworth - Circuit Treasurer
Janet King
Jill Webster​